Toddler Turtles

Toddler Turtles (18 months – 3 years)


We help toddlers develop their curiosity, self-help skills (handwashing), and form friendships in a safe and nurturing environment. Since they learn best by doing, each day’s curriculum includes fun activities as they develop their vocabulary and make friends. We have a balance of music, art, and movement.


Group time is important as well as child-directed activities (art and sensory). Individual differences and developmental ability is taken into account. Playing alongside others rather than alone is seen. Learning to share and cooperate is important. They develop imagination and explore dramatic play and use their senses to investigate their surroundings. They problem-solve and make predictions.


Social skills are developed by listening and responding to others, by identifying and naming familiar items, by engaging in conversation using pictures and puppets, following directions, and answering questions. They begin to identify their own feelings and those of others.


Emotional skills are developed by expressing emotions appropriately, listening to storytelling, and interacting with other children.


Physical skills are developed through songs and rhymes about body parts, crawling, jumping, running, kicking, dancing, and tossing. Drawing, pouring, cutting, and stringing, enhances eye-hand coordination (fine motor).


Intellectual skills are developed through identifying and sorting basic colors, identifying numbers and counting. Instruments are used to teach cause and effect through trial and error.